Find everything you need to know about your benefit product, including who to contact for assistance with your benefit questions, on the page for your benefit product.
Find everything you need to know about your benefit product, including who to contact for assistance with your benefit questions, on the page for your benefit product.
The Personify Health - Wellness Platform is where you can enter, track, and manage your wellness activities.Find an in-network provider. When you receive services from an in-network provider, your services will be processed as in-network and apply to your in-network deductible and out-of-pocket maximum responsibility. You are responsible for copays at the time of service.The claims status member services portal is where you can check your claim status for medical, dental, and vision claims, review your benefits, view your electronic ID card, and order an ID card.Through the prescriptions portal, you can order your prescriptions online, find a local pharmacy, file a prescription claim, see the status of your order, search medication information, and more.The Benefits Management portal is where you will select and manage your employment benefits, including healthcare, employer-provided primary benefits, and voluntary benefits.
You are eligible to purchase this coverage if you are an Adventist Church organization employee within the North American Division working a minimum of 19 hours a week. Coverage may be elected at any time during eligibility.
If eligible, you can purchase coverage in the following amounts as requested by you and approved by VOYA:
$10,000 to $500,000 for the employee
100% or less of the employee amount for spouse
$10,000 to $25,000 each for dependent children
Contact your human resources department to file claims for this coverage.
Eligible employees may buy this coverage through your employer. Payment is deducted from your payroll after taxes. Contact your human resources department to learn more.
Contact your human resources department to learn more about this product.
Can I get coverage if I have a health problem?
Yes. There is no medical underwriting or medical exam required to purchase AD&D insurance.
Do I need AD&D insurance?
While you may have life insurance, AD&D insurance provides extra benefits such as loss of a limb or loss of sight. AD&D is a cost-effective way to cover expenses resulting from accidents.
Do the rates increase over time?
No. Unlike some life insurance plans, your rate will not increase just because you get older. However, rates are not guaranteed for the life of the plan. Rates can be increased by the carrier.